Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise Review (PS3)

Naughtier Than Ever Before
A little while ago I gave the original Naughty Bear a 10/10 rating. This is the sequel and it’s even better. It’s gorier, it’s more creative and it’s been done so much better on such a larger and more exciting scale.
Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise takes a lot of what was good about the original and shoves its tongue into a lawnmower. The bears of Perfection Island have all gone on holiday and not asked Naughty to come with them, those horrible bears! Fear not, as Naughty has strapped himself to the bottom of the coach in Sideshow Bob-esque fashion, and is out to get his revenge once more.
Panic in Paradise throws in the towel in regards to the online community it’s predecessor was thought to connect with, and with that focus out of the way it allowed the developers to focus all of their attention on making the best single player plush killing spree game to ever exist. There are unlockables, secret areas, a nigh limitless amount of weapons and outfits and a levelling up system that increases your general statistics. From chainsaws to broadswords, pirate hats to your enemies’ faces, there are so many combinations to choose from before you even start playing.
There is even a substantial amount of downloadable content and add-ons. These range from special weapons to costumes based on famous personas from slasher movie history, including Batman. Each outfit you wear also adds certain boosts to your attributes. Some grant you Usain Bolt levels of speed whilst others allow you to hit like a truck. Stamina and armour are just a few of the potential boosts you can receive.
There are so many new ways to kill bears and new items to collect. There are more levels and you achieve bonuses from defluffing your foes in certain ways. If you take a bear into the woods you can steal his costume, disguising you so that you can walk among your soon-to-be victims unseen. This can also work in your favour; if you are to attack a bear of a certain affiliation, such as a ninja or police officer, they will attack everyone who looks even remotely like you, creating havoc and giving you your own posse to rise up and defend you, before you snap all of their necks and wear their faces as trophies.
The narrator makes a very welcome comeback too, and gleefully encourages your mass killings once again. With so many more things to do, he is a lot more vocal in this game than he was in the first, and his innocent sounding cheerful voice acting just adds to making you feel like a completely deranged psychopath intent on the destruction and murder of every single bear that gets in your way, no matter their intentions.
Overall, Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise builds upon what made the first game one of my favourite games to play. It keeps all the charm and psychological trauma of the original and really immerses you in the mindset of a homicidal teddy bear. I will forever hold out hope for another sequel; this series is far too unique not to warrant one. I knew you’d want to see it. Here is Bat Bear.
‘Naughty Bear allows me to be a violent, cynical teddy bear intent on wreaking havoc. This game allows me to be my true self’.
You can read Sam’s review on the original Naughty Bear right here.
Sam Marshall51 Posts
An opinionated walking contradiction who bins boxes and loves bad games.