Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Review

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is the ultimate medieval experience. It is the full package. From running around with medieval weapons, to hacking off limbs and heads, Chivalry is your game. Sometimes you wish you could just rip someone’s head off and unfortunately that’s still illegal. But in Chivalry, all is fair in love and war.
Chivalry is a first person slasher developed solely for multiplayer. You take on other players as one of four classes. This game had me hooked after 10 minutes of gameplay. However, the first 10 minutes is like being given a sword and then sticking it in a meat grinder. You keep swinging but all that results in is the loss of your limbs. By far, this game has some of the most frustrating and most rewarding scenarios. Due to the fact that getting kills in the game is so hard, when you do kill somebody, there is immediate satisfaction. Now this may be your inner demon trying to escape or the psychopath in you emerging, but, nevertheless, this game is a blast to play. There is just a great amount of satisfaction from shooting someone’s head off with a crossbow, or chopping a leg off with a halberd.
The game is made by an indie company named Torn Banner. Chivalry, I believe, is the only game they have made and although it’s a ton of fun to play, it is not without its flaws. The classes seem to be very well balanced at first; however, there is a huge boost for players that buy weapons. Although you start with many weapons for free, there are other weapons that can be purchased. Obviously to drive up the value of these weapons they had to be way overpowered. The second negative part of this game is team objectives. If you are not playing last team standing, free for all, or team death match, then you will be playing some objective and either you are defending or attacking. In many hours of gameplay, the defending team has never won. The attacking team always has a huge advantage. Most of the time on defence you are backed against the wall and being repeatedly stabbed to death while the other team wins. You have no chance. However, defence usually allows you to rack up a bunch of kills while the attackers push onward toward the objective.
The other main problem this game has is the ping. I did not have this problem but most people in the lobbies I am in play at over 100 ping all the time. This gives players a huge disadvantage. One reason for this, however, may be that the game’s graphics are great, but extremely demanding. This may be the cause of a lot of lag in game.
The last reason that I think Chivalry is fun is playing small parties. The most fun I had playing this game was 3 vs 3 with only people I knew. The ultimate bragging rights is having your friends head on a pike!
Chivalry, is a ton of fun even with all of its flaws. The small technicalities of the game and the difficulty make the game extremely immersive and rewarding. The thrill of the kill is so much higher than any other first person game I have played. Medieval weapons and maps really give this game a different experience. It allows players to dive into the game and really take on an ancient feel.
Tyler Hull33 Posts
I'm the one who plays all the weird indie titles but is horrible with remembering names. Commonly found asking "Hey, did you guys play that one game that came out like a while ago with that weird character in it?".