Rust Review – Gamer Laughs

You wake up naked and afraid. There is a feeling that all signs of civilization are gone. All you have is a rock and a torch. You do not know what is going on but you know you need to do something. You begin to run and before you know it you see a huge structure. It appears to be made out of metal or stone. Before you can even get to the base you see another man, also naked. However, this man appears to have a spear in his hand. Before you get the chance to run this man heaves the spear at you. You hear a terrible noise as if the spear has just impaled you. Your health drops and you slowly bleed out as the man stands over your body.
If this sounds fun to you then Rust may be the game for you. If you love bashing people’s heads in with rocks and stealing all their stuff, Rust may be the game for you. A primitive, kill on sight, have no friends, caveman like survival game. There is nowhere in the map that is safe and hours of gameplay can be blown up with a rocket launcher and a few c4.
I have been playing Rust since the beginning of the game, back when there were zombies and then radiation bears and wolves. The game has since then taken on a new much faster engine and has steadily increased in sales on steam. This is a fun, scary, and super addictive game. The characters in the game slowly grow from hitting trees with rocks, to building massive armored basses and blowing up others houses with c4. The growth is what makes the game so much fun. However, the only way to grow in the game is by visiting rad towns. These are large game generated structures that generate loot. These come in the forms of barrels and crates. These game generated towns are prime location to get stabbed or shot in the back. There are enough rad towns that not every player is camped around one, but few enough that you are rarely alone at a rad town. This causes players to have a fear like adrenaline when visiting rad towns. There is always the chance that somebody could run up and shoot you and everything you have would be lost. This makes the game engaging. When I am in the game there is no time to think about anything else.
Of course this game is made more fun when you play with friends. This is easily done thanks to steam. Most huge bases, that can be found on the official servers, are built by teams of players. This is also a very interesting concept in the game because there is no map and no friends in game. There is no guaranteed way to find your friends once you log in. The maps are randomly generated and the spawns are random. The second thing that Rust makes interesting when playing with friends is that there is no “friendly fire”. This could allow you to make “friends” in the game who later shoot you down and steal all of the stuff that you worked so hard to get. Which is difficult when you have the friends that I do. Also known as friends who enjoy randomly killing you for fun. It reminds me of Lord of the Flies. Every man is for himself.
The main thing that people hate about Rust is the players themselves. When I read reviews of the game everyone complains about the people that play the game. The story that I told at the beginning of this reviews is a true story, this happened to me when I logged in last time. This is a very common thing. Rust is a very kill on sight for no reason game. Not many people are friendly and most of them are terrible people. However, if they were not, Rust would not be what it is today. Rust is not forgiving. Everything in the game will kill you. The bears, wolves, heights, cold, lack of food, lack of water, other players, and radiation (which currently is disabled in the game) will kill you. That is what makes the game fun.
I believe Facepunch Studios has done a beautiful thing in this game. They have created a game that makes players use their survival instincts and have fun doing it. This game is still in active development, which it has been since its release in December of 2013. The game updates every week. If you check out the Rust official website, you can see everything that they are working on and it is super exciting. The development of this game has got better and better each week and I plan on being there for the entire process.
Overall, in comparison to other games Rust markets itself against, DayZ, Minecraft, and Stalker. This is the only game I am capable of playing for hours a day, days at a time. This is one MMO that will take up a lot of time and I can promise you will not regret any of it. So in my opinion. Buy Rust!
Tyler Hull33 Posts
I'm the one who plays all the weird indie titles but is horrible with remembering names. Commonly found asking "Hey, did you guys play that one game that came out like a while ago with that weird character in it?".