Just last week I signed up to begin a new life. By assuming the role of investigative reporter SUPERTomTuckerMAN, I voluntarily entered into the mysterious and aging world of Second Life with the hope of exploring the weirdest, craziest and funniest things that this online virtual world has to offer.
I decided to begin by searching through populated areas in order to ask the residents about this odd place and what I could possibly find here. In the destinations menu, one of the populated areas was a tropical resort, so I packed my bags and clicked teleport. While there, a man lounging in the sand with a coconut told me that I looked lost, so I decided to set up my first interview. He had a lot to say, and told me that the first place I should go when entering Second Life is called Svarga. This place was apparently one of the oldest in the game, and he also told me that I could get a free guided tour of the place. This interview was successful, but extremely weird since this happened when I clicked “sit here” when trying to position myself to talk to my new friend mrblueballs:
After my quick stay at the resort, it was off to Svarga. After spawning, all that was near was a giant bee that gave me an option to mount. Yes, a giant bee. For all intensive purposes, he will be called Sam:
Sam then took off, and began bringing me around the island and telling me all about its history. The funny thing was that every time he said something, it began with “whispers.”
Svarga was a rather interesting place despite the fact that nobody was there. It was built in 2006, and nothing has been added since its original creation. This goes back to the time before Second Life was riddled with perverts, and people were doing interesting things. According to Sam, there were artificial life experiments that occurred here. Bees would take to the flowers every day (not quite as big and majestic as my noble steed Sam) and they would multiply. It was a pretty cool idea, seeing as Second Life had the capability of recreating the life cycle for plants in 2006. This was all occurring online while we were all playing The Godfather and Guitar Hero II for our PS2’s.
After my tour I made my way up to the tower that Sam told me contained books about Second Life. When I got there, however, there were nonsense books containing random pictures. There was a box in the corner that said free books, but the game only gave me an option to sit on top of it.
While this journey showed me history of the old Second Life, I’m hungry for more. For my next investigation, I hope to turn up the heat and seek out the weirdest individuals that I can find. I may not be the reporter that Second Life wants, but I am most certainly the reporter that Second Life needs. As always, SUPERTomTuckerMAN, reporting to you live from the one and only GamerLaughs.
Sam Marshall
07/04/2016 at 10:57The Bee is called Sam…
Jim Hall
07/04/2016 at 07:11I’m really enjoying these articles about Second Life and looking forward to reading more!