Bioshock Remastered Collection Part 2 Review

After a little life break I am back for my Bioshock remastered collection review. Bioshock 2 a game where you get to play as the iconic Big Daddy. Patrolling the forgotten leaky city of Rapture among the rising new religious group the “family”. This time you are the one behind that deadly drill caked in blood. Not only that, but you are also a duel weapon and plasmid walking tank. Bioshock 2 does a good job of giving you the feeling of being the Big Daddy.
That’s right kiddies Daddy’s home and he has a very old score to settle! Waking up from the dead, disoriented and laying in a puddle, you find yourself back in Rapture. A friendly voice calls out to you to find her and so your journey begins. The story is one of trust, betrayal, revenge, and forgiveness told in a way only Irrational Games could tell. I shall leave it at that.
Now onto the nitty gritty of the game starting with the fun game and all too familiar combat system. Firing up my PS4 and scrolling to the Bioshock 2 screen felt like coming home. Being a glutten for punishment I started my new game on the hardest level of difficulty. My screen brought into view of a dilapidated Rapture full of leaky ceilings and cracking glass. The controls were exactly the same as the first game which allowed the player to jump right in. No need for a long tutorial, just fucking play! Duel wielding weapons, quick switch weapon wheels, and the bonus drill. Not many games can make you feel so badass right off the start.
Game play felt familiar as you would expect with one minor exception… could carry a little sister with you. OH JOY, OH…….eh nevermind. Having a little sister with you allowed you to use her for her full potential. That’s right folks, you were looking for “angles”. (C’mon Mr. B) So there you are out in the open watching this innocent little girl drain the blood of the dead. Then like black friday shoppers, in come the splicers to take you out and kill the girl. Lucky for you, you have laid traps for them in anticipation. Standing there waiting for them to show drill in one hand and fire burning in the other. (ooh, yes kiddies you can lay traps for those adam hungry bastards) The best part of the game is setting up a room full of traps to take out the splicers. Don’t be too over confident though, there are other Big Daddies roaming the city and new type of splicer.
Since we are on the topic of enemies lets take a moment to talk about the new protectors of the little sisters….the Big Sisters. Dum dum dum!!! Your first encounter with these self righteous bitches is fucking epic. When you take one down you get a real sense of accomplishment. That’s right damn it, Daddies home now go to your room….under the sea. (I got a little excited) Anyways, the battles between you and Big Sister are rough especially in the beginning. They are much quicker and very agile considering the giant deep sea diver helmet they wear.
Bioshock 2 looks great and the music score is light, but haunting of a dying age. The city is falling apart all around you, with flooding rooms and buildings crumbling in the distance. You get to see earlier parts of what the city used to be like in its hey days. You even get a background story of how Rapture updated its main way of travel under water. This was all done with the finding of audio diaries. There is also a story of a man searching for his lost daughter heard by audio diaries. If you are one of those die hard fans of the series like myself you may recall the mans name. Before the release of Bioshock 2 for the PS3 XBOX 360, this mans story began. There was a whole site on the internet all about his search for his daughter. I don’t know if the site is still up, but if it is someone let me know in the comments section.
Over all Bioshock 2 in the remastered collection is still a great game. I know it has it’s flaws with story line and length, but honestly it is kind of hard to compete with the first. On it’s own the game is a fantastic play with lots of ways to complete it. Those wonderful choices of saving little sisters, killing NPCs, and protecting the little sisters while they harvest adam. The little additions to this sequel make it a must play. It is not perfect, but who the hell says it has to be perfect anyway? It delivers with game play, soundtrack, and even visual. It does lack in the story department and the sheer length of game. All in all it is still a great game sequel and must have in this remastered collection!
Bioshock Remastered Collection Part 2 Review
Gameplay - 10/10
Graphics - 9/10
Sound - 10/10
Replay Value - 10/10
Story - 8/10
Sequel - 9/10
Robert Salvatore11 Posts
Has officially sworn an oath to the Vilebloods. Once fought along side the Belmont clan. Is currently awaiting for his ship to arrive so he may go explore the universe.