Four Video Game trilogy’s that need an HD remaster and one game that could use one too.

There are a lot of remasters being put out for this generation of gaming. Some necessary (Bioshock Series), some not so much (Resident Evil 4). While a lot of remasters are unnecessary there are a few games that could do with a remaster that would breathe life back into their respective series and hold us over until we get a proper sequel. So with that, here’s five of my most wanted game remasters.
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars
Try saying that fast five times. Supersonicacrobaticrocketpowered battlecars, supersonicacrobabo rabittcards, supperbobble ableapple babblebards… I think you get the idea. Anyway, this is the original Rocket League. Released back in 2008 for PC and PS3, it didn’t make a big splash, mostly due to floaty physics and not so precise controls, but it was still a ridiculous amount of fun like it’s extremely popular sequel. It also had a set of out of place mini-games and physics based challenges that required you to use your little car to navigate and complete. It would be interesting to see what Rocket League’s legion of fans think of the original. A remaster would probably be a bit unnecessary seeing as how Psyonix has done a great job of implementing the best parts of the original through mutators and rocket league labs, but I still wouldn’t mind floating across a pirate ship after accidentally running into my teammate and messing up his shot.
Dead Space Series
Dead Space was my favorite series from last generation outside of Uncharted. Simply put, I adore the trilogy of Dead Space games, from the unsettling and terrifying original, to the more sci-fi co-op experience of the third one. I bought the first two on a whim just knowing it was a survival horror game. I got home and set the games aside for a few days until one night i found myself in a pit of boredom. I remembered I had yet to place Dead Space, so i popped it into my PS3 thinking I’ll have a nice little spooky time. Two hours later and I was so terrified by the atmosphere and setting of that game that I swear there was a Necromorph in my closet that night when I tried to go to bed. I was 19 at the time. Turns out the Necromorph was just some hangers, a pile of clothes and a really confused cat, but this game had done something to me no game had done since Resident Evil 2. It actually scared me. Besides just being a terrifying game the series also had done something new and awesome with combat to compliment and add to the horror experience. Severing limbs off of Necromorphs instead of just blindly firing made the series all the more terrifying. Having to actually face your fears and aim for the limbs made sure you experienced the full terror the Markers brought to mankind. I have been wanting to revisit the series for a while now but no longer have a means of playing them. I also never got to play any of the DLC and at this point holding out for a remaster seems to be the best chance I may get. Extra special bonus points for visceral literally putting one of my biggest fears into Dead Space. I’ll just say it involves a needle, Issac Clark’s eye, and one heck of a punishment for failure.
Metroid Prime
We all know by now that Nintendo either doesn’t understand what the Metroid series is, or just doesn’t care. In all fairness Nintendo has taken chances with the series and been burned with Other M but there’s no disputing that the chance it took with Retro Studios and the Prime series paid off big time. Metroid Prime gave us the perfect evolution of the Metroid series. They let us be Samus as she explored these planets and uncovered their mysteries as only she can, by gathering awesome sci-fi tech and empowering herself to become the most Bad-ass intergalactic bounty hunter this side of Master Chief. These games perfectly captured what Metroid was while pushing the series forward. Many (myself included) consider the original Metroid Prime to be one of the greatest games of all time. To be fair an argument could be made for the second Prime game as well. This series is perfect for a remaster. It has been a while since the series has been active and a lot of Metroid fans feel unheard with Nintendo forcing Metroid into the 3DS multiplayer title Metroid Prime Federation force. They could release an HD collection as a way to appease fans of the more traditional Metroid games. It would be a low risk option for Nintendo and a potential system seller for the NX, not to mention how gorgeous the already beautiful games would look in full HD. I personally would buy an NX for an HD remaster of the Prime series or even a proper Metroid sequel done by Retro studios. Until then, I guess i’ll just go back to Super Metroid.
Mass Effect Series
Confession Time: I have never really played any of the Mass Effects. Look, i’m not proud of this but the first one came out exclusively on Xbox 360 and i didn’t own a 360 at the time so i missed out. The second one came out for PS3 but it seemed a little redundent to release a sequel to a story and choice heavy game on a console that didn’t have the original to carry those choices over, so i skipped it until the first one eventually released but totally forgot about the series until the third one came out. At that point I just decided to wait until all three were bundled together in a collection which did come out, but I continued to ignore the series because I hate good video games. In all seriousness I have really wanted to go back and play through the series but I really think Bioware is going to give a remastered trilogy for this generation of consoles. It seems like such a win win, and for a publisher like EA, a way to make an excessive amount of money with limited work. For all it’s accolades and reverence in the gaming community it’s a shame we haven’t gotten a remaster of what many consider to be the greatest trilogy in all of gaming. How they still have no plans for a remaster is beyond me.
Timesplitters Series
For the love of god and all that is holy on this beautiful blue rock we call earth, SOMEONE GIVE US A TIMESPLITTERS GAME! These series of games are probably my most played games in my history of gaming. For those who are unfamiliar, Timesplitters was a trilogy of first person shooters that released in the Ps2 era. These games were far from your typical FPS’s. With a heavy emphasis on comedy and fun this series was the go to party game for people of the 6th generation of gaming. With the most customizable multiplayer experience gaming had to offer up to that point, there were hours upon hours of fun times to be had. With a ton of hilarious characters to choose from, everybody could be exactly who they wanted. Whether they were a talking cowboy cactus at heart, or a gingerbread man with a “crunchy brown ass” nobody was left out. Those of us who have experienced the magnificence of Timesplitters have not shut up about it since and will probably take it to our grave because at this point we have a higher chance of dying than getting another Timesplitters game. Actually, we may be closer than ever. The team (or what’s left of the team) behind the Timesplitters games actually hid the first few levels of Timesplitters 2 in their latest game, Homefront: The Revolution. It generated a decent amount of buzz (the Timesplitters levels not the actual game). Hopefully enough to warrant a re-release on the Playstation store. I would be perfectly happy with an HD up scaling via PS2 on PS4. There is a fan made mash up in the works with Dambuster Studios blessing, although that is probably still a ways off. For now, i’ll just yell about it from the top of a mountain until I inevitably fall to my death yelling “Time to split!”
Travis Cummings13 Posts
Travis spends most of his time playing video games and sucking at guitar. He also likes talking about himself in the third person.