The Ten Coolest Star Wars Characters

Ah, Star Wars, the best sci-fi series ever made. There’s a lot of debate about who the best characters in the franchise, and this article seeks to end the debate. Of course, the Star Wars lore is one of the deepest ever, so there’s bound to be a few that we miss. Let’s us know how shit we are at our jobs in the comments.
Qui-Gon Jin
There were very few things that the prequels got right, but Qui-Gon was one of them. While certainly not the most badass Star Wars character to ever roam the galaxy, he had a certain something about him that made him feel special. Maybe it was his mastery of the force, or maybe just that he was portrayed by Liam Neeson.
Han Solo
I love Han Solo, and he knows. He’s one of the most iconic characters in movie history: Indiana Jones. Jokes aside, there’s something awesome about smooth talking, first shooting, Han Solo. He’d be higher on the list, but a parsec is a measure of distance and not time so it raises the question of what other badassery he’s lying about. Side note, did anyone ever read the book where Han, Chewy, and some randoms kill zombies on that Star Destroyer? Damn you for killing the E.U., Disney!
Xanatos was the original Kylo Renn. Meaning that he was an angsty teen with daddy issues. Despite this, he still managed to be cool. Not quite a Jedi, not quite a Sith, Xanatos was Qui-Gon Jin’s second apprentice. He was particularly powerful in any form, but he was able to amass solid amounts of wealth through trickery. Also, he dives into a pool of acid just because he hates his former master. Yeah, it got him killed, but it was a pretty metal way to say “Fuck you”.
Bobba Fett
Was there any doubt that the most famous bounty hunter in Star Wars would make the list? Bobba Fett would easily be in the top 3 if he didn’t go out like such a bitch. Or, you know, what the prequels did to his character. Still, nothing can really destroy the magic of Bobba Fett. His design is impeccable. Mandalorian armor is easily some of the best, and he rocks it.
Darth Maul
Darth Maul is the second best thing about the prequels. His introduction lead to the coolest of lightsabers. Really, how big of an idiot do you have to be to throw away such an awesome character? A George Lucas size idiot, apparently. As mysterious as he was deadly Maul was amazing. He’s made even better by the fact that he survived his duel with Obi-Wan and earned a kickass pair of cyborg legs.
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus is my favorite Sith Lord in Star Wars, hands down. I have no clue what it is that captivates me about him. It’s something about the mask, and how it ties into his background. A literal tear in the force held together by his armor and mask. How could you not love that character description? He’s the main reason I prefer Kotor 2 over Kotor. I could read about him for ages so if you know any good comics featuring him, let me know.
Darth Bane
Darth Bane is arguably the basis to tell whether or not someone knows their Star Wars trivia. Bane was the one to institute the rule of two. Under this rule, there could only be two Sith Lords at a time. Bane was supremely powerful and cunning. He also has one of the coolest backstories in all of Star Wars lore, so he’s worth reading up on.
Darth Malgus
Malgus has the look of Vader without his mask. Mostly because they both have eggheads and respirators. Malgus lived simply as an instrument of war and death. This makes him one of the purest of Sith. Even severe wounds and a cliff being dropped on him couldn’t bring him down. He may sound like a three-pack-a-day smoker, but he fights like a Greek god on steroids.
Darth Vader
Darth Vader is the most iconic villain in all of movie history, and for good reason. Vader is one of the coolest characters to ever have seen a screen anywhere. While the prequels didn’t capture his development as well as they could have, the final duel with his former master and best friend was one of the most epic scenes ever. Recently, the Darth Vader comic line released which pushed has bad ass reputation even further. If there is one thing every fan of Star Wars fan can agree on, it’s that Vader is awesome.
Jar Jar Binks
Had you worried for a second, didn’t I?
And the Real winner is…
Darth Revan
The best part about Revan is the S/he is you. And no, I’m not going to spoiler alert a game that came out more than 10 years ago. Revan is great. From the robes to the mask, everything about his design is amazing. This is furthered by the fact that he is who your character was, even if the canon version is slightly different.
So let us know how you’d order this list, and stick around for the list of lamest characters.
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