TWINSEN’S MOST POWERFUL WEAPON – Little Big Adventure | Part 10

In today’s episode of Little Big Adventure we head off to Fortress Island where a rabbibunny tells us he will help us by digging a tunnel into Funfrock’s base as long as we sabotage the Teleportation Centre first. The grobo in Tippett Island sells us information that the plans for the Teleportation Centre are in Funfrock’s HQ on Principle Island.
We actually come across TWO weird glitches when trying to get into Funfrock’s HQ!
Inside his HQ we briefly see Funfrock for the first time but he escapes through a teleporter before we steal a Magic Sabre from his safe and find out that the Teleportation Centre plans are with my next door neighbour back on Citadel Island.
I love chatting with you guys so please leave a comment if you have any feedback, questions, suggestions or if you just want to say hello!
Thanks for watching my video!
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If you fancy a go of this game yourself, you can download it from right here:
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Outro music by
FX by
Rob Beckett781 Posts
Volunteer writer, poor mans excuse for a grown up, and certified panther rider... I'm told I have far too many consoles that i'm convinced come to life and have endless series comedy capers when the house is empty. Sort of like Toy Story, but really poorly written and every character is voiced by Jai Courtney... a bit like that...